
Ad Créso Targino


2007 – University of Manchester (Inglaterra)

2006 – University of York (Inglaterra)


2005 – Stockholm University (Suécia)


2004 – Stockholm University (Suécia)

1999 – Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil)

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Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – UTFPR
Av. dos Pioneiros, 3131
Londrina – PR

Tel: +55 43 3315-6132


Meteorologia Aplicada à Poluição do Ar (Mestrado em Engenharia Ambiental) Física II (Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental/Materiais)

Ad Créso Targino obteve seu doutorado em Ciências Atmosféricas e Oceanografia na Stockholm University (Suécia) em 2005. O título de sua tese é Regional Studies of the optical, chemical and microphysical properties of atmospheric aerosols: Radiative impacts and cloud formation (disponível para download).

Esteve associado como pesquisador visitante no Departamento de Física da University of Helsinki (Finlândia). Realizou trabalho de pós-doutorado na Universidade de York (Reino Unido) em 2006 e no Centro de Ciências Atmosféricas da University of Manchester (Reino Unido), entre 2007-2009. O Prof. Targino retornou ao Brasil em 2009 onde ocupa o cargo de Professor Adjunto II no Departamento de Engenharia Ambiental da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná.

Seus interesses de pesquisa incluem estudos da qualidade do ar em regiões afetadas pela poluição atmosférica transfronteiriça a longa distância e e estudos sobre o desenvolvimento da ilha de calor em grandes conglomerados urbanos. Em sua trajetória como pesquisador, participou de coleta de dados tanto em laboratório, como em campo em plataformas terrestres e aéreas, incluindo campanhas na África, Ártico, Antártica e Europa.

Krecl, P., Targino, A.C., Ketzel, M., Cipoli, Y.A., Charres, I.Potential to reduce the concentrations of short-lived climate pollutants in traffic environments: A case study in a medium-sized city in Brazil. Transportation Research Part D, doi: 10.1016/j.trd.2019.01.032, 2019.

Krecl, P., Cipoli, Y.A., Targino, A.C., Toloto, M.O., Segersson, D., Parra, A., Polezer, G., Godoi, R.H.M., Gidhagen, L.Modelling urban cyclists’ exposure to black carbon particles using high spatiotemporal data: A statistical approach. Science of the Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.05.043, 2019.

Targino, A.C., Harrison R.M., Krecl, P., Glantz, P., Lima, C.H., Beddows, D. Surface ozone climatology of South Eastern Brazil and the impact of biomass burning events .Journal of Environmental Management, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109645, 2019

Gidhagen, L., Krecl, P., Targino, A.C., Polezer, G., Godoi, R.H.M., Castelhano, F., Felix, E., Cipoli, Y.A., Malucelli, F., Wolf, A., Alonso, M., Segersson, D., Amorim, J.H., Mendonça, F. Experimental and model assessment of PM2.5 and BC emissions and concentrations in a Brazilian city – the Curitiba case study. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., doi: 10.5194/acp-2018-1094, 2018.

Targino, A.C., Krecl, P., Danziger Filho, J.E., Segura, J.F., Gibson, M.D. Spatial variability of on-bicycle black carbon concentrations in the megacity of São Paulo: A pilot study. Environmental Pollution, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.07.003, 2018.

Targino, A.C., Coraiola, G.C., Krecl, P.Green or blue spaces? Assessment of the effectiveness and costs to mitigate the urban heat island in a Latin American city. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi: 10.1007/s00704-018-2534-1, 2019.

Krecl, P., Targino, A.C., Landi, T.P., Ketzel, M. Determination of black carbon, PM2.5, particle number and NOx emission factors from roadside measurements and their implications for emission inventory development. Atmospheric Environment, 186, 229-240, 2018.

Carvalho, A.M., Krecl, P., Targino, A.C. Variations in individuals’ exposure to black carbon particles during their daily activities: a screening study in Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi: 10.1007/s11356-018-2045-8, 2018.

Pattinson, W., Targino, A.C., Gibson, M.D., Krecl, P., Cipoli, Y., Sá, V. Quantifying variation in occupational air pollution exposure within a small metropolitan region of Brazil. Atmospheric Environment, 182, 138-154, 2018.

Targino, A.C.,Rodrigues, M.V.C, Krecl, P., Cipoli, Y.A., Ribeiro, J.P.M. Commuter exposure to black carbon particles on diesel buses, on bicycles and on foot: a case study in a Brazilian city. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi: 10.1007/s11356-017-0517-x, 2017.

Krecl, P., Johansson, C., Targino, A.C., Ström, J., Burman, L. Trends in black carbon and size-resolved particle number concentrations and vehicle emission factors under real-world conditions. Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.06.036, 2017.

Targino, A.C., Machado, B.L.F., Krecl, P. Concentrations and personal exposure to black carbon particles at airports and on commercial flights. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 52, 128–138, 2017.

Targino, A.C., Gibson, M.D., Krecl, P., Rodrigues, M.V.C., Santos, M.M., Corrêa, M.P. Hotspots of black carbon and PM2.5 in an urban area and relationships to traffic characteristics. Environmental Pollution, doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2016.07.027, 2016.

Krecl, P., Targino, A.C., Wiese, L., Ketzel, M., Correa, M.P. Screening of short-lived climate pollutants in a street canyon in a mid-sized city in Brazil. Atmospheric Pollution Research, doi:10.1016/j.apr.2016.06.004, 2016.

Ornellas, R.M., Mohammed, K., Targino, A.C., Galvão, P.M.A., Torres, J.P.M., Malm, O., Lohmann, R. Use of passive samplers to detect organochlorine pesticides in air and water at wetland mountain region sites (S-SE Brazil). Chemosphere, 144, 2175-2182, 2016.

Targino, A.C., Krecl, P. Local and Regional Contributions to Black Carbon Aerosols in a Mid-Sized City in Southern Brazil. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16, 125-137, 2016.

Krecl, P., Targino A. C., Johansson, C., Ström, J. Characterisation and Source Apportionment of Submicron Particle Number Size Distributions in a Busy Street Canyon. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15, 220-233, 2015.

Gamarra, N. L. R., Corrêa, M. P., Targino, A. C. Utilização de sensoriamento remoto em análises de albedo e temperatura de superfície em Londrina – PR: contribuições para estudos de ilha de calor urbana. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, 29, 537-550, 2014.

Targino, A. C., Krecl, P., Coraiola, G. C. Effects of the atmospheric circulation on the onset and strength of urban heat islands: a case study. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi: 10.1007/s00704-013-0989-7, 2013.

Targino, A. C., Krecl, P., Johansson, C., Swietlicki, E., Massling, A., Coraiola, G.C. and Lihavainen, H. Deterioration of air quality across Sweden due to transboundary agricultural burning emissions. Boreal Environment Research, 18, 19-36, 2013.

Meire, R. O., Targino, A. C. and Torres, J. P. M. Bulk atmospheric deposition of persistent toxic substances (PTS) along environmental gradients in Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI 10.1007, ISSN 0944-1344, 2012.

Meire, R. O., Lee, S. C., Targino, A. C., Torres, J. P. M. and Harner, T. Air concentrations and transport of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in mountains of southeast and southern Brazil. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 3, 417-425, 2012.

Meire, R. O., Lee, S. C., Yao, Y., Targino, A. C., Torres, J. P. M. and Harner, T.Seasonal and altitudinal variations of legacy and current-use of pesticides in the Brazilian tropical tropical and subtropical mountains. Atmospheric Environment, 59, 108-116, 2012.

Krecl, P., Targino, A. C., Johnasson, C. Spatiotemporal distribution of light-absorbing carbon and its relationship to other atmospheric pollutants. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion, 11, 13279-13316, 2011.

Liu, D., Flynn, M., Gysel, M., Targino, A. C., Crawford, I., Bower, K., Choularton, T., Jurányi, Z., Steinbacher, M., Hüglin, C., Curtius, J., Kampus, M., Petzold, A., Weingartner, E., Baltensperger, U., Coe, H. Single particle characterization of black carbon aerosols at a tropospheric alpine site in Switzerland. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 7389-7407, 2010.

Targino, A. C., Coe, H., Cozic, J., Crosier, J., Crawford, I., Bower, K., Flynn, M., Gallagher, M., Allan, J., Verheggen, B., Weingartner, E., Baltensperger, U., Choularton, T. Influence of particle chemical composition on the phase of cold clouds at a high-alpine site in Switzerland. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, p. D18206, 2009.

Drewnick, F., Schneider, J., Hings, S.S., Hock, N., Noone, K. J., Targino, A., Weimer, S. Borrmann, S.Measurement of ambient, interstitial, and residual aerosol particles on a mountaintop site in central Sweden using an aerosol mass spectrometer and a CVI.Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 56, 1-20, 2007.

Targino, A.C., Noone, K. J., Drewnick, F., Schneider, J., Krejci, R., Olivares, G., Hings, S. S., Borrmann, S.Microphysicall and chemical characteristics of cloud droplet residuals and interstitial particles in continental stratocumulus clouds. Atmospheric Research, 86, 225-240, 2007.

Choularton, T. W., Bower, K. N., Weingartner, E., Crawford, I., Coe, H., Gallagher, M. W., Flynn, M., Crosier, J., Connolly, P., Targino, A. C., Alfarra, M. R., Baltensperger, U., Sjögren, S., Verheggen, B., Cozic, J., Gysel, M. The influence of small particles on the properties of water and ice clouds. Faraday Discussions, 137, 205, 2007.

Targino, A. C., and Noone, K. J . Airborne in situ characterization of dry urban aerosol optical properties around complex topography. Atmospheric Research, 79, 148-174, 2006.

Targino, A. C., Krejci, R., Noone, K. J., Glantz, P. Single prticle analysis of ice crystal residuals observed in orographic wave cloud over Scandinavia during INTACC experiment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 1977-1990, 2006.

Targino, A. C., Noone, K. J., Öström, E. Airborne in situ characterization of dry aerosol optical properties in a multisource influenced marine region. TellusB, 57, 247-260, 2005.

Tjernström, M., Leck, C., Persson, P. O., Jensen, M. L., Oncley, S. P., Targino, A. C. The summertime Arctic Atmosphere: Meteorological measurements during the Arctic Ocean Experiment 2001. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 85, 1305, 2004.

Tjernström, M., Leck, C., Persson, P. O., Jensen, M. L., Oncley, S. P., Targino, A. C. Experimental equipment: A supplement to the summertime Arctic Atmosphere: Meteorological measurements during the Arctic Ocean Experiment 2001. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 85, 1305, 2004.

Targino, A. C. and Soares, J. Modeling surface energy fluxes for Iperó, SP, Brazil: And approach using numerical inversion. Atmospheric Research, 63, 101-121, 2002.

Ceballos, J. C., Souza, J. M., Targino, A. C. Correlation fields for solar radiation in Northeast Brazil. International Journal of Climatology, 121, 887-902, 2001.

Estruturas de pesquisa visitadas

AIDA Cloud Chamber Facility – Alemanha
Cabo Verde Atmospheric Observatory – Cabo Verde
Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz -Antártida
Oden Swedish Icebreaker – Ártico (Pólo Norte)
Åreskutan Aerosol Monitoring Station – Suécia
Hyytiälä Forest Field Station – Finlândia
Jungfraujoch Alpine Research Station – Suiça (Topo da Europa)